May 11, 2024
green quartz

When it comes to crystals, many people believe that each one has its own unique properties and energies that can benefit us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Two popular green crystals that are often used for their healing properties are Green Calcite and Green Fluorite. While they may look similar at first glance, there are actually significant differences between the two. In this post, we’ll compare Green Calcite and Green Fluorite, exploring their physical characteristics, metaphysical properties, and how to choose between them.

Physical Characteristics


Green Calcite and Green Fluorite have different physical appearances. Green Calcite is typically translucent and has a light green color, while Green Fluorite can range from a pale, mint green to a deep forest green and is typically transparent to translucent. Additionally, Green Fluorite often has visible crystal formations, while Green Calcite tends to be smoother.

Crystal Structure

The crystal structure of Green Calcite and Green Fluorite also differs. Green Calcite has a trigonal crystal system and is often found in scalenohedral or rhombohedral crystal formations. Green Fluorite, on the other hand, has a cubic crystal system and is often found in octahedral or cubic formations.

Metaphysical Properties

Green Calcite

Green Calcite is known for its ability to bring balance and harmony to the heart chakra. It is also believed to promote emotional healing, especially in situations where past traumas or negative emotions are causing blockages. Some people also use Green Calcite to enhance their creativity and intuition.

In addition to its heart chakra healing properties, Green Calcite is also thought to help with physical healing. It is said to be effective in treating issues related to the respiratory system, immune system, and joints.

Green Fluorite

Green Fluorite is also associated with the heart chakra, but it is believed to work in a slightly different way than Green Calcite. Rather than promoting emotional healing, Green Fluorite is said to enhance one’s ability to love and feel compassion. It is also believed to promote mental clarity and help with decision making.

In terms of physical healing, Green Fluorite is thought to help with issues related to the digestive system, as well as improve the immune system and overall well-being.

Differences Between Green Calcite and Green Fluorite


One of the most noticeable differences between Green Calcite and Green Fluorite is their color. While both are green, Green Calcite tends to be a lighter shade of green, while Green Fluorite can range from a pale, mint green to a deeper forest green.


Green Fluorite is a harder mineral than Green Calcite. On the Mohs scale, which measures a mineral’s hardness, Green Fluorite ranks at 4, while Green Calcite is only a 3.


Green Fluorite is typically more transparent than Green Calcite. While both are translucent, Green Calcite is often cloudier or has more inclusions, which can affect its clarity.


Green Fluorite has perfect cleavage in four directions, meaning that it breaks easily along these planes. Green Calcite, on the other hand, has perfect cleavage in three directions.


Green Calcite is more widely available than Green Fluorite, which can be harder to find in certain areas.


Because Green Fluorite is rarer and harder to find, it tends to be more expensive than Green Calcite.

How to Choose Between Green Calcite and Green Fluorite

When choosing between Green Calcite and Green Fluorite, there are several factors to consider:


Think about what you want to use the crystal for. If you’re looking for a crystal to promote emotional healing, Green Calcite may be the better choice. If you’re looking for a crystal to enhance your ability to love and feel compassion, Green Fluorite may be more appropriate.


Trust your intuition when choosing a crystal. If one crystal speaks to you more than the other, listen to that feeling.

Personal Preference

Ultimately, it’s important to choose the crystal that you’re drawn to and feel a connection with. If you prefer the look or feel of one crystal over the other, go with your preference.

Specific Healing Needs

Consider any specific healing needs you may have. For example, if you’re dealing with respiratory issues, Green Calcite may be a better choice, while if you’re struggling with digestive issues, Green Fluorite may be more appropriate.


Green Calcite and Green Fluorite may look similar at first glance, but they have distinct physical and metaphysical properties. Green Calcite is associated with emotional healing and balance, while Green Fluorite is said to enhance one’s ability to love and feel compassion. Green Fluorite is a harder mineral and is more transparent than Green Calcite, but Green Calcite is more widely available and generally less expensive. When choosing between the two, consider your intention, intuition, personal preference, and any specific healing needs you may have.

Whether you choose Green Calcite or Green Fluorite, both crystals can offer a range of benefits for your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Incorporating crystals into your daily routine can be a powerful way to connect with yourself and the universe, and can help promote balance, harmony, and healing in all areas of your life.